Deposit banking is actually deposit taking from the members
of the public. That is why banks are now-a-days called deposit taking banks.
Technically, deposit taking is a borrowing from the market. But unlike other
kinds of borrowings, they are not payable otherwise than on demand by cheques.
Banks are at liberty to use those deposits any way they like. In fact banks use
those funds for lending. That is why second important function of a bank is
lending. It is, therefore, clear that a modern joint stock banks starts
actually from deposit banking.
It is interesting to note that banking did not start by
deposit taking. Historically it started initially with money exchanging
followed subsequently by money lending. It is well known that Italian
goldsmiths, money lenders and indigenous bankers did the business of money
exchanging and lending. They did this job on their own financial strength.
Considering strength, financial soundness and goodwill, people at one stage
started, however, depositing their money and valuables with them. This not only
strengthened their capability to lend but also helped them to pay some interest
on deposit.
But till the emergence of Joint Stock Company in the
seventeenth century in Europe Deposit banking was not popular. With the
popularity of Joint Stock Company having limited liability concept, the deposit
banking as such also became popular. In fact, a modern bank now starts with
deposits followed by lending and other functions like investment, remittance,
foreign exchange business and safe custody etc.
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